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To manage the kitchen horizontally, with lots of space for dialogue. To build a collective framework that allows our team to seek inspiration outside of the restaurant, leaving our principles as the only constant variable.  

To intellectualize cooking and make it political. To respond to the problems facing our suppliers, be they climate change, food autonomy, waste management or product distribution.

The Datil Team

Our producers supply colors, materials, textures and raw tastes — then we continue their work.

Anchored by the work of two farmers in the Paris region, Datil’s cuisine is essentially plant-based. Animal protein is still present, and special attention is given to the treatment of the animals. Conscious of resource depletion and the conditions under which animals are farmed, we strive to preserve and emphasize the delicate nature of the animal — its texture, skin and shell.

Our menu wholly aligns with the natural harvest of the seasons, whatever the climate conditions may be. The connection is almost automatic: ideas for our recipes always spring from discussions with our producers. Their stories and our visits to their farms are an integral part of our cuisine.

We make a point of introducing lesser-known products, revealing their delicious, innermost delights while maintaining a sense of surprise.     

To promote eating habits that are as diverse and ever-changing as the natural world. To continue our impassioned quest to find products from the best suppliers and experiment with novel techniques for preparing and conserving food. To nurture a culinary instinct and empathy that brings us closer to the earth. To bring the ecological transition onto our plates.


To be surrounded by growers, farmers and fisheries that produce meaningful ingredients, paying them personal visits to explain our project and learn their needs. To work alongside them, showcasing their ecological commitments and radical decisions. To develop new creations together that shed light on the realities of modern agriculture and food production.

Plat spaghetti courgette seiche
Céramique Judith Lasry

Monday to Friday - 19h15 to 20h45
Wednesday to Friday - 12h15 to 13h30
Closed on weekends

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